Tuesday 26 January 2016

They're just movies. Why do they matter?

Well, here I am to start a new adventure-my first blog. Interestingly enough, I have a feeling this will be the easiest blog to write.

To some, it may seem silly to have such an interest in movies. Many times people will say, "what's the point? They don't mean anything. They don't matter." If you have that opinion, that's more than fine. 

But here's my side.

Since the beginning of time (yes I know how cliche that sounds), we as a species, have been storytellers. Telling stories is what we do. It's what we've always done. In ancient cultures, civilizations would tells stories by painting images on walls of caves. Shakespeare would write stories for the stage, in which the audience would be captivated by the sheer brilliance of the story telling. 

Movies are the ultimate form of storytelling and the impact of storytelling can't be denied.

I was lucky enough to see Star Wars the Force Awakens opening night. It was a theatre going experience I will never forget. The excitement and anticipation in that theatre could be felt the moment I sat down. To my left, there was an elderly couple holding hands. To my right, a young family with 2 small children. And you know what happened when this came on screen...

...everyone young and old, erupted in cheer. 

Movies matter. They mattered to everyone in that movie theatre, and they matter to me. They are able to transport people to a world that at one point, was only there in their minds. They can make us laugh, cry and have that moment of euphoria. 

Perhaps that elderly couple hadn't been on a date for years, and yet they went to the movies that night for a shared experience. Maybe the Force Awakens was the first time those 2 small children had ever been to the cinema, and for them, it will be a lasting experience for the rest of their lives.

Movies matter, so let's talk about them. 


  1. You're preaching to the choir Giacomo! Movies are amazing. With the Oscars right around the corner I look forward to your recommendations and thoughts!
    Ps. Maybe you'll even have a "Throwback" post for us classic movie enthusiasts :)

    1. Oh there will be a throwback Thursday I'm sure :)

  2. Hi Giacomo,

    Your blog sounds like it will be quite interesting to read. Your first post has definitely enticed me to continuing reading your other blogs. Especially the part where you talk about how movies matter to everyone. It is true, especially when you are in the theatre and you paid for your experience. I am excited to see what movies you post about and review.

    1. Thank you Katherine! Appreciate the comment

  3. Giacomo, as a huge fan of Tarantino, I hope to read here about his movies too. And, yes, your blog matters for each of us because movies can help to make better mood or even help find answers for lifes important questions...

  4. I really think that movies matter a lot, as they serve as a source of entertainment for us. I would love to read about the different movies you are going to talk about.
