Giacomo Ladas
Before you look up the proper way to pronounce that name, I’m going to say a few things about myself.
It’s very simple, I’m a fan of
movies. What began as a past time of watching whatever was on TV has changed into
a personal study of film. It all started when I was lucky enough to have a
realization a few years ago: movies are art.
With the wonderful worldwide web,
I am lucky enough to have an outlet-an opinion-and a voice. I may only be in my
20s, but as a fedora-wearing archaeologist once said, “it's not the years honey,
it’s the mileage."
I was never excited to write in high school. I would hear the word "essay" and immediately think of old western movies and how the Mexicans would talk to each other. After high school, I enrolled in Brock University and graduated with a BA in Psychology. I have recently graduated from the Public Relations graduate program at Niagara College. During my post-secondary education, I had a realization: it wasn't writing I hated, but the topics I was writing about.
Now, I love to write, and this blog will be the perfect outlet for me, and hopefully the perfect outlet for you.
Flictionary is a fun way to catch
up on movie news, reviews and thought pieces. This blog is meant to be fun, as
it’s coming from someone who watches movies for fun.
Now time to make some popcorn!
Love the title of your blog. It sounds interesting and fun. Looking forward to reading your posts.