About Me

Giacomo Ladas

Before you look up the proper way to pronounce that name, I’m going to say a few things about myself. 

It’s very simple, I’m a fan of movies. What began as a past time of watching whatever was on TV has changed into a personal study of film. It all started when I was lucky enough to have a realization a few years ago: movies are art. 

With the wonderful worldwide web, I am lucky enough to have an outlet-an opinion-and a voice. I may only be in my 20s, but as a fedora-wearing archaeologist once said, “it's not the years honey, it’s the mileage." 

I was never excited to write in high school. I would hear the word "essay" and immediately think of old western movies and how the Mexicans would talk to each other. After high school, I enrolled in Brock University and graduated with a BA in Psychology. I have recently graduated from the Public Relations graduate program at Niagara College. During my post-secondary education, I had a realization: it wasn't writing I hated, but the topics I was writing about. 

Now, I love to write, and this blog will be the perfect outlet for me, and hopefully the perfect outlet for you. 

Flictionary is a fun way to catch up on movie news, reviews and thought pieces. This blog is meant to be fun, as it’s coming from someone who watches movies for fun. 

I hope to connect with everyone through my many social media outlets and keep the discussion going. 

Now time to make some popcorn!

1 comment:

  1. Love the title of your blog. It sounds interesting and fun. Looking forward to reading your posts.
