Sunday 21 February 2016


Do you remember when Boyhood came out? It was said to be an experience that would never be forgotten. A movie that transcends generations and to quote some critics;

"It's like a time-lapse photo of an expanding consciousness"
- Liam Lacey
Globe and Mail 

"This is not only a great film, but an important landmark in how great films can be made"
-David Keyes

"The year's most captivating narrative experiment, and possibly the most engrossing coming-of-age movie in the history of the genre"
-John Hartl
Seatle Times

If you enjoyed the film, then I am happy for you. All movies are subjective and if it did something for you, then that's great.

However for me, it's my least favourite movie of all time.

What is the first thing people say when talking about Boyhood? "12 years! It took 12 years to make. Did you know...that Boyhood took 12 years to make? That's over a decade!? 12 years!!!!!!?"

Just to clarify something, it did not take 12 years to make. It was made over 12 years, but it only was shot for only 39 days. Believe it or not, but the idea of shooting the same actors over many years is NOT something that is brand new. Does anyone watch Modern Family...or any long running sitcom? Married with Children ran for 11 years using the same actors who "grew up in front of your eyes."

Watch as he gets more and more unlikeable

So I will not call Richard Linklater (writer/director) a visionary genius for making Boyhood. With cringe worthy dialogue, boring cinematography and the most unlikeable central performance in recent memory, Boyhood is not only a bad film, but a painful film to watch. It feels like a movie written by an old man, who is so disconnected with how kids talk to each other.

Had Boyhood not used the same actors over the 12 years, no one would be talking about it. If it was the exact same story and writing, but different actors played the different ages, it would be known as a joke.

Luckily, I am not alone in thinking this, so I don't feel like a mad man. If you enjoy this movie, then I hope I didn't offend you. Maybe I am wrong in my opinion, but I can't find myself to enjoy Boyhood at all.


  1. When I saw the blog title I sincerely hoped you would critique the movie for its content and not just praise it for it '12 year' making time, Giacomo I agree with you. There are far better childhood movies, I think. Great job with the blog.

    1. Hey thank you so much Ajin. Means a lot. Glad we share that opinion.

  2. Boyhood is the worst movie. Also, Harry Potter did the idea first.

    1. Any series made over the years! Great example

    2. Coronation Street has been going since (I believe) the dawn of time. The cast has rotated, but some people come back, even 10, 20 years later.

    3. "An important landmark in how great films can be made"

  3. ery good point in how you compared t to sitcoms. I also hated the movie, and can now back up my argument with more evidence!
